Monday, July 16, 2012

Off the wagon...

So I haven't posted in a bit.  I could have posted many amazing things I've eaten recently, but I haven't because I'm pretty disappointed in myself.  I had a lot of momentum going with the healthy eating, lifestyle and exercise.  While I have done really well with the exercise (worked out 6 days last week), my nutrition has really gone down. 

I mean, really down.  I can't even describe what I ate this weekend without shuttering.  And way too many drinks.  I started to feel really defeated and the familiar voice went through my head, "oh well, guess that didn't work, you should go back to eating as much pizza as possible," etc.  Then I saw a Facebook post by my friend Stacie, who is also an amazing personal trainer.  She quoted, "Don't let the setbacks define failure, instead they are the result of effort!"  

Now this is altogether new messaging for me. I was ready, for a moment there, to scrap my whole plan.  I felt embarrassed that I had fallen off the wagon, that I had preached on here about how well I was doing and then failed.  So I am not going to let myself off the hook so easily.  I am going to look at this as a setback, a reasonable and minor setback and not let it define me or my journey.  Cliched as it is, tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity to move towards my goal. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah - get back on that horse!! I like the quote by e.e.cummings a lot.
