Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Delicious little treat...

My lovely nutritionist Sarah gave me the best recipe for a little post dinner clean food treat.  Turn on your broiler with the door part way open to start.  Take a date, either medjool or deglet and cut it down one side (remove pit if there is one).  Open it into a little sandwich and add some nut butter.  My personal favorite it freshly ground peanut butter I get at Madison Market, but almond butter is great too.  I put in just enough to stuff it, but not pour over any edges.  Then sprinkle with sea salt.  Place the dates on a cookie sheet and put into the oven on broiler.  Now they cook fast, maybe 2-3 minutes max.  I keep my eyes on them the whole time because they can burn so fast.  When the tops become a little bubbly or crunchy, you know they're done.  Remove from the oven and let them cool down a bit.  Then I close them up and voila!  Delicious and so decadent.  They are the perfect mix of sweet, salty, gooey and crispy.  Try it!

Not the most beautiful picture - but I wanted you to have a visual

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